Paul RYKEN and Sandra ROSENAU

We are Paul and Sandra, the Gen X couple behind Minimalist Journeys. Location-independent since October 2016, we are not (semi-)retired, quite the opposite: We still work 5-6 days a week, on our website and other endeavours, encouraging a more conscious approach to life that critically questions the norm and challenges the status quo. As minimalists, human connection and impactful experiences are more important to us than material items and status symbols. We travel slowly, limiting our footprint and immersing ourselves in the communities we visit. We love discovering what's unique and special about a destination and sharing our findings with our audience. From backpacking to van life, and tiny houses to permaculture - we also love to share our experience of living different lifestyles with those seeking (more meaningful) alternatives to the mainstream. While what’s important to us may differ from what’s important to others, we firmly believe that making conscious decisions about how we spend our energy/ time/ money doesn’t benefit us individually but also the communities we live in (or visit) and our planet. After more than 40 years combined in (arguably successful) corporate careers (in product management/Paul and management consulting/Sandra) and with a big house in Inner City Sydney, we did a complete 180, letting go of (almost) all we owned and reducing our possessions to carry-on backpacks. Location-independent since October 2016, we've backpacked on different continents, experienced van life for a year in New Zealand and house/pet sat around the world. "Living" in different countries and contexts has taught us a thing or two - about us and our world - more than any textbook or two-week holiday a year ever could have. When not roaming the globe, we are busy turning a bare paddock in beautiful Hawkes Bay, New Zealand into a (largely) self-sufficient permaculture farm (with a tiny house). Are we experts? By no means. We make mistakes (some more costly than others) and learn from them. Ask us anything about sustainable travel planning, intentional living, minimalism, UN SDGs, or location-independent! We'll be glad to help you.

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